Thursday 13 December 2012

Shades of Green

Bringing viewers closer to whats being photographed shows the impact small details can have on n overall image, details that are usually missed. The limited depth of field allows you to pay attention on the few leaves which are in focus, where you can see each vein, capturing the detail. Bright colours can sometimes be seen as a distraction when it comes to capturing detail, however in this image the colour draws you in to the image because of the contrasts in the different shades.

A Different View

When capturing this image my aim was to for the photograph to bring the viewer closer to natural elements, such as the seaweed, which they usually ignore. The rule of thirds used in the image brings you closer to focus on the seaside details. The high contrast, use of black and white and also the low viewpoint of the photograph brings all attention to the foreground and more attention is focused on the seaweed; which is what i was wanting to achieve with this image.

Summer Heat

The lighting and crisp detail of the photograph gives the feeling of a warm summers day, it  is almost as though you can feel the warmth of the sunlight through the leaves. The viewpoint looks up into the leaves capturing the shadows of the leaves and showing a contrast in the different shades of green.

Standing Alone

Rule of thirds plays a huge part in the composition of this photograph, the single piece of wheat capturing the viewers attention with its detail and the lighting. The neutral colours and limited detail keep the background soft and subtle so it doesn't distract from the main subject.

Rusted, Old and Beautiful

The limited depth of field focuses all attention the centre of the image showing all the detail of the knotted wire creating the barbed wire. It is an unusual image because you are drawn to something you wouldn't usually pay much attention. I was inspired to photograph the barbed wire when wanting to experiment with how different apertures affect an overall image.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Follow Those Tracks

The low viewpoint of the image brings you closer to the detail you wouldn't usually see. Even though there is only a small amount of detail in the photograph, it is emphasised by the limited depth of field in the image. The tracks in the snow have been captured in a way that they act as leading lines in the photograph and lead you through the image.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

A Lonely Umberella

The simplicity of this image allows the viewer to focus on the smaller details within, rather than being distracted by lots of action. The simple rule of thirds composition splits the image and the umberella gives it a key focus drawing the viewer in. The image gives a sense of summer because of the warm colours capture, making it a more relaxing image.